On windows everything is '.pyd' but there seems to be two ways to get this on unix? Why and what is the rule? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
- When does a binary extension gets the file extension '.pyd' ... llothar
- Re: When does a binary extension gets the file extensio... Fredrik Lundh
- Re: When does a binary extension gets the file extensio... llothar
- Re: When does a binary extension gets the file exte... Fredrik Lundh
- Re: When does a binary extension gets the file exte... llothar
- Re: When does a binary extension gets the file ... Fredrik Lundh
- Re: When does a binary extension gets the file ... Steve Holden
- Re: When does a binary extension gets the f... Fredrik Lundh
- Re: When does a binary extension gets the file ... llothar
- Re: When does a binary extension gets the f... Fredrik Lundh
- Re: When does a binary extension gets ... Fredrik Lundh