Hi Daniel,

> Does it support the Buffet API? 

No - we don't use any of the frameworks that require it. If the
implementation is simple enough, though, I'd be happy to look at a
patch... ;)

> Do you have any benchmarks to compare it with other template systems
> (in terms of speed)?

Not formally - perhaps I'll get to it one day in my Copious Free Time.
Cubictemp is optimised for use in situations where Template objects are
persistent. Templates are parsed on instantiation, and all expressions
they contain are pre-compiled. In long-running processes like FastCGI
where you can instantiate a Template once and use it many times
Cubictemp should be very fast.



Aldo Cortesi
M: +61 419 492 863
P: +61 1300 887 007
W: www.nullcube.com

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