> We are happy to announce release 2.0 of Cubictemp, a small, elegant
> templating system for Python.
> Features
> ========
> * Simple, well-tested and well-documented.
> * Integrates tightly with Python - pass arbitrary Python objects into a
> template, walk sequences and iterators, evaluate expressions.
> * Default escaping helps to prevent common classes of Cross-Site
> Scripting
> vulnerabilities.
> * Encourages separation of interface and program logic by disallowing
> statements in templates.
> * Tiny - only ~ 170 SLOC. There are many large, over-designed
> Python templating systems out there. Cubictemp proves that a
> templating
> sytem can be elegant, powerful, fast and remain compact.
> Download: http://dev.nullcube.com
> Manual: http://dev.nullcube.com/doc/cubictemp/index.html

Does it support the Buffet API? Do you have any benchmarks to compare
it with other template systems (in terms of speed)?


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