Le Sat, 29 Mar 2008 20:15:59 -0700, pythonnubie a écrit :

> Hi  All :
> Does anyone know where I  can find  either a book or a website  that
> explains  beginning  python  by actually  building a  project  line by
> line and explaining  it indepth . I  am primarily interested in
> understading  flowcontrol as well  as syntax .
> If it was related to  netwoprking  then that would be a great addition 
> although not required  because that is my primary field of interest .
> All help greatly appreciated !
> Mark

You may look at "Dive into Python", there is an online version, 
translation in some languages other than english (if needed). It propose 
a line by line explanation on many scripts targetting language and 
libraries usage.



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