On Mar 29, 11:19 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 20:15:59 -0700 (PDT), pythonnubie
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
> > Hi  All :
> > Does anyone know where I  can find  either a book or a website  that
> > explains  beginning  python  by actually  building a  project  line by
> > line and explaining  it indepth . I  am primarily interested in
> > understading  flowcontrol as well  as syntax .
>         Flow control, if I'm not misinterpreting your usage, is something
> that most common language books will not really cover -- that falls into
> the realms of software engineering... Or, at the simplest, structured
> design/programming (even if a language is OO, when one gets down to the
> actual logic of methods, one is back into structured programming).
>         Syntax is covered in the Python language reference manual, and
> Python has a very simple vocabulary to learn.
>         The two are disjoint concepts. Structured design applies to any
> language, one just has to map the constructs of the language (and since
> Python lacks a native GOTO, this becomes even simpler).

That's weird.  I feel like I could go on about an introductory program
for days and days, la.

I usually start (both times) with interpreted vs. compiled.  It's a
layer of abstraction.  But it's very weird; the layers can't tell
either of each other apart.  I can hand you the machine instructions,
the names of circuitry, that run Line 1 to Line 9 one time, but you
can't tell the difference between the code and the data.

Some of it lingers in post-perceptive operations: the memory system,
for the record.  Some lingers long times.  So far it equates to
different Pythons produce different Pythons, however, though, so I'll
ask the spell checker.  Python.get_back_in_skin().  Weird.

I'm not sure if it makes any difference.  The binary you run is
Python.exe.  It's already running, then you feed it a raw string, not
on disk without loss of generality.  The translation is a little hard
to find too.

Python :: mingw-c++ :
Python.exe :: mingw-c++.exe :
what? :: machine instructions.exe

In Python there's a for-loop that's the exact same as one in machine

0101 b1= 1000
0110 if a < b0 goto b1
0111 b2= b2+ 1

accumulates a number in register b2.  You probably want interface and
graphics primitives.  Sometimes I feel like "with a scroll bar"
suffices to specify all the detail you need; there's too many
options.  (I can do this and this and ... scroll bar, please.)  You
know the episode of Star Trek NG where Barclay takes over the

I'd also like to be able to write (write) a series of instructions and
have it loop, and debug in vivo, as though a BASIC program were
running and I could edit lines in its doing so, maybe time Windows
Media visualization codecs in time.  You could tell story lines and
have it refine, post-inspiration.

You might be surprised how much repetition in instructions Lines 1
through 9 (of -code-) share, in both sides of the analogy.  Anyone
work with a VAX?

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