In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Barry Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >I'll step out and say that some of the non-vendor talks were quite >weak. The most severe was a talk on Stackless where the original >speaker was unable to be here and someone got up and clicked through >the slide deck at a very fast pace. I thought the person had stepped >in at the last minute, but later learned that he had volunteered with >a couple of weeks' notice. Additionally, the original speaker had >Andrew Dalke's *exact* slide deck from his Stackless talk last year. >One first-time attendee told me over lunch that he was going to >recommend to his employer that they not pay to send their programmers >to PyCon next year based on what he had seen in this year's talks. I >know that's an unpleasant message, but in the interest of preserving >PyCon's quality, I'm willing to be the jerk of a messenger.
The plural of anecdote is not data. I sympathize with what you're saying to some extent, but any gathering of a thousand people will certainly garner comments like this. Moreover, there will be some talks that screw up because of short notice changes (and believe me, two weeks is short notice). Feedback is for the most part only interesting in the aggregate. -- Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) <*> "It is easier to optimize correct code than to correct optimized code." --Bill Harlan --