On 2008-02-29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> You claim to be writing a telnet server, yet I don't see any
>> code that actually implements the telnet protocol. Different
>> telnet clients default to different modes, so if you want them
>> in a certain mode, you have to put them in the desired mode by
>> implementing the telnet feature negotiation protocol.
> OP here - sorry for the confusion, it's just a listener program that
> people connect to via telnet.

That's what a telnet server _is_: something that people connect
to via telnet.

> I'll take a look at the Twisted engine and see if that helps at all.

Make sure it has telnet protocol support, or you're going to
end up with similar problem.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Four thousand
                                  at               different MAGNATES, MOGULS
                               visi.com            & NABOBS are romping in my
                                                   gothic solarium!!

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