On 2008-02-29, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> En Fri, 29 Feb 2008 00:20:26 -0200, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>> Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to Python, and even more new to socket
>> programming. I think I've wrapped my head around sockets, and with
>> that I want to create a Telnet-based chat server, the idea being
>> people connect to the telnet servers with their clients and they all
>> communicate. I've got the code working, but the server sends each
>> letter to the clients on a new line! I've read about this kind of
>> thing on Windows on Google, but I can't find a solution to this issue.
> The telnet client can use "line mode" or "character mode". In "line mode"  
> nothing is sent until the user press Enter; line editing is made on the  
> client side. In "character mode" keystrokes are sent as soon as typed;  
> probably your telnet client is using this mode.

That's definitely going to be a problem.

To the OP:

You claim to be writing a telnet server, yet I don't see any
code that actually implements the telnet protocol. Different
telnet clients default to different modes, so if you want them
in a certain mode, you have to put them in the desired mode by
implementing the telnet feature negotiation protocol.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  It's strange, but I'm
                                  at               only TRULY ALIVE when I'm
                               visi.com            covered in POLKA DOTS and
                                                   TACO SAUCE...

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