Carl Banks wrote:
> On Feb 23, 6:40 am, Jeff Schwab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Recently, I've had a few replies in tones that imply I'm on the brink of
>> entering several kill-files, mostly because I express disagreement with
>> a few closely held beliefs of some other c.l.p posters.
> A bit of advice:
> Python and C++ have almost no common ground in terms of what the
> priorties of the language are.

Producing software of measurable quality.  Increasing developer 
productivity.  Providing in-language support for formal design and 
development processes.  I think the languages approach the same 
high-level goals, just from very different angles.

> So, if you're a big proponent of the
> language features of C++, you really ought to expect lots of
> disagreement over just about anything you opine.
> P.S. I've had much sharper disagreements with some Pythonistas over
> aspects of Python.  None of them are in my killfile.

Good to know. :)

>> One of the things that's supposed to be great about Python is the user
>> community, and in many ways, that community is wonderful; for example,
>> both new and experienced users can quickly get a variety of solutions to
>> any given coding issue, just by asking for help.
> They say that about every small language community.

I'm not sure Python qualifies as a small community anymore.

Language-based communities that continue to support free thought and 
open conversation over time are much more rare.  The worst case scenario 
is (apologies in advance) the Lisp-style consensus: This language is 
just the best tool for every job, period.

>> In other ways, though, the Python community is just blindingly ignorant,
>> arrogant, and argumentative.
> You're not exactly riding the humble bus there yourself, chief.
> Saying things like (in so many words), "I'm just here because C++
> doesn't have good runtime libraries", doesn't come off too well.

That's not how I feel, and I never meant to imply anything like it. 
Things I like about Python:

- No separate compilation step during development
- Emphasis on design-for-test
- Extensibility from other languages
- Clean syntax
- Portability
- Mainstream use and support
- Excellent documentation
- Large standard library
- Progress by design, rather than ad hoc "improvements"
- Design decisions value "useful" over "neat-o"
- Support for data-as-code (or code-as-data)

>> and I am starting to become
>> really concerned about the clarity of mind of the Python community,
>> because I hope to rely on it.
> I think your expectations for the Python community are unreasonable.


> My advice to you, if you want a good relationship with the Python
> community, would be to keep the comparisons with C++ out of it as much
> as possible.  Understand that a lot--a lot--of people are going to say
> bad things about C++ and various features that C++ implements.  If you
> try to defend C++ every time that happens, you won't last long here.

Thanks.  I do value my sanity, and would like to preserve what's left of it.

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