> On Feb 18, 10:26 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> Paul Rubin  <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) writes:
>>>>> Some of the ideas that have been proposed on Python-ideas as well as
>>>>> Python, have received partial evaluation from the alphas.
>>>> What do you mean by "alphas"?
>>> Alpha test releases are the round of test distributions before the
>>> beta tests, which come before the release candidates which come before
>>> the final release.  
>> Interesting, but I would bet that castironpi actually is referring to
>> "alpha males" (particularly in the context of "big shots"); however, your
>> confusion is precisely why I called it out.  Incoherent writing rarely
>> flies well in this community (which is one reason why I love Python!).
>> --
>> Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])           <*>        http://www.pythoncraft.com/
>> "All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of    
>> indirection."  --Butler Lampson
> Who you callin' denigrates?  Ahem.  You think your ships don't
> sink?  ;)
Humor. Arf arf.

> The problem did not seem to be miscommunication, rather bias.
> What part of, "No one took the train before it was invented," do you
> not understand?
The problem with this complaint is you simply seem to be saying "there's 
a better language out there somewhere". No clue as to where it is, no 
clue as to how it might be approached. Merely a suggestion that adding 
randomly suggested features to Python, that are currently rejected for 
what appear to me to be mostly sound reasons, will somehow lead us to 
these undiscovered treasures.

> No one climbed Mount Everest before it was discovered, and it wasn't
> the tallest mountain until then either.

It *was* the tallest mountain - it existed before its discovery, and its 
"discovery" wasn't news to the Sherpas who had been living on it for 
hundreds of years.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC              http://www.holdenweb.com/


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