On Feb 12, 10:25 pm, Santiago  Romero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi...
>  I'm trying to guess how to access attributes of an existing object
> given the attribute name in a string. I mean:
> class Object:
>     self.x = 12
>     self.y = 20
>     self.name = "blah"
> def ChangeAttribute( object, attribute, value ):
>   # Insert here the code for object.attribute = value
>  Allowing this kind of calls:
>  ChangeAttribute( object, "x", 200 )
>  ChangeAttribute( object, "name", "my name" )
>  Thanks.
> PS: I need it for a concrete case in a game scripting language I'm
> writing, so that I can call functions like "CHANGE_PLAYER_VALUES( "x",
> 100 )".


Help on built-in function setattr in module __builtin__:

    setattr(object, name, value)

    Set a named attribute on an object; setattr(x, 'y', v) is
equivalent to
    ``x.y = v''.

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