in 332496 20080204 102153 "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?BJ=F6rn_Lindqvist?=" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In Python, the direct translation of this is a for loop.  When the
>> index doesn't matter to me, I tend to write it as:
>> for _ in xrange (1,n):
>>    some code
>> An alternative way of indicating that you don't care about the loop
>> index would be
>> for dummy in xrange (1,n):
>>    some code
>I usually use _ when I know that i18n doesn't matter. dummy is just to
>long when unpacking sequences:
>for dummy, email, dummy, dummy in persons:
>for _, email, _, _ in persons:

Rexx's method is the way to do it : "do 50"

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