On Monday 07 March 2005 14:36, Joerg Schuster wrote:
> Any ideas?

The following program should do the trick (filenames are hardcoded, look at 
top of file):

### shuffle.py

import random
import shelve

# Open external files needed for data storage.
lines = open("test.dat","r")
lineindex = shelve.open("test.idx")
newlines = open("test.new.dat","w")

# Create an index of all lines of the file in an external flat file DB.
# This means that nothing actually remains in memory, but in an extremely
# efficient (g)dbm flatfile DB.
def makeIdx():
    i = 0L
    lastpos = 0L
    curpos = None
    while lines.readline():
        # This is after the (\r)\n, which will be stripped() and rewritten
        # by writeNewLines().
        curpos = long(lines.tell())
        lineindex[hex(i)[2:-1]] = "%s:%s" % (hex(lastpos)[2:-1],
        lastpos = curpos
        i += 1
    return i

maxidx = makeIdx()

# To shuffle the file, just shuffle the index. Problem being: there is no
# random number generator which even remotely has the possibility of yielding
# all possible permutations. Thus, for simplicity: just exchange every element
# in order 1..end with a random element from the rest of the file. This is
# certainly no perfect shuffle, and in case the shuffling is too bad, just
# rerun shuffleIdx() a couple of times.
def shuffleIdx():
    oldi = 0L
    # Use a while loop, as xrange doesn't work with longs.
    while oldi < maxidx:
        oi = hex(oldi)[2:-1]
        while True:
            ni = hex(long(random.randrange(maxidx)))[2:-1]
            if ni <> oi:
        lineindex[oi], lineindex[ni] = lineindex[ni], lineindex[oi]
        oldi += 1


# Write out the shuffled file. Do this by just walking the index 0..end.
def writeNewLines():
    i = 0L
    # Use a while loop, as xrange doesn't work with longs.
    while i < maxidx:
        # Extract line index and line length from the index file.
        lidx, llen = [long(x,16) for x in lineindex[hex(i)[2:-1]].split(":")]
        line = lines.read(llen).strip()
        i += 1


### End shuffle.py

I don't know how fast this program will run, but at least, it does as 
told... ;)

--- Heiko.

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