As far as I can tell, what you ultimately want is to be able to extract
a random ("representative?") subset of sentences.  Given the huge size
of data, I would suggest not randomizing the file, but randomizing
accesses to the file.  E.g. (sorry for off-the-cuff pseudo python):
[adjust 8196 == 2**13 to your disk block size]
. while True:
.     byteno = random.randint(0,length_of_file)
.     #align to disk block to avoid unnecessary IO
.     byteno = (byteno >> 13) << 13  #zero out the bottom 13 bits
. #set the file pointer to a random position
.     bytes = #read one block
.     sentences = bytes.splitlines()[2:-1] #omit ends with partial
.     do_something(sentences)

If you only need 1000 sentences, use only one sentence from each block,
if you need 1M, then use them all.
[I hope I understood you problem]

-- george


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