Brian wrote:
> Had a unsettling conversation with a CS instructor that 
> teaches at local high schools and the community 
> college. This person is a long-term Linux/C/Python 
> programmer, but he claims that the install, config, and 
> library models for C# have proved to be less 
> problematic than Python. So both his courses (intro, 
> data structs, algorithms) are taught in C#.
> I am a low-end (3-year) journeyman Pythonista, and I 
> was attracted to the language because of its 
> simplicity. And I have come to enjoy the richness of 
> available libraries.
> Many of the good people of this NG may be 'too close' 
> to answer, but has Python, as a general devel platform, 
> lost its simplicity ? Is library install too complex 
> and unreliable ? Will my dog go to heaven ?

I'm a complete noob about most of this, but it sounds like his problem 
may have more to do with what needs to be done on a Linux machine, than 
anything specifically pertaining to Python. How can you call installing 
Python (or any third-party modules) on Windows 'hard'?

Maybe his students just have a harder type figuring out how to install 
things in Linux? I don't know...

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