> > The gui is an issue. Does one TK or rely on some fall-back system of
> > gnome/kde/x11/windows dialogue boxes (ending in abject failure by way of
> > raw_input on the command line)? Or (perhaps) have it fetch a standard
> > dialogue library which would fetch and install what is needed for future
> > occasions.
> >
> You wouldn't really *need* a GUI, although it probably should be a
> configurable option ... so the user can keep tabs on, and more control
> over, what's going on.  No reason why it couldn't be totally
> automated.  easy_install already provides for automated installation
> of python apps/libraries, so you could build off that.

This is what Enthought proposes with the Enstaller application. Works really

French PhD student
Website : http://miles.developpez.com/
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