In an unusual twist of code I have a subclass which overrides a method but it also needs to call the original method:
class One: def add (self, stuff): self.stuff.append(stuff) class Two(One): def __init__(self, otherstuff): <MYSTERY>(otherstuff) #otherstuff must go into list within the parent. #The override - totally different function in this context. def add (self, data): self.unrelated.append (data) For: <MYSTERY> I have tried: self.One.add( otherstuff ) No go. super ( Two, self).add( otherstuff ) Gives this error:TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj (Which reminds me, how the heck does super work? I always get that error!) I could just change the method name to adddata() or something. I could pass parent references around, but want to avoid that. I thought I'd ask about it here. \d --