On Oct 29, 4:28 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Oct 29, 9:26 am, Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cybersource.com.au> wrote:
> > On Sun, 28 Oct 2007 21:02:02 -0400, Shawn Minisall wrote:
> > > Thanks a lot for your suggestions.  Unfortunately, a lot of the issues
> > > brought up were simply the way I was taught by my professor and the way
> > > she wants things done,having to use a numbered menu as opposed to
> > > entering r, p or s, being taught just to use one main function for the
> > > entire program, having to init all variables in the program b4 the
> > > actual program starts or else points off for each program, while
> > > statements surrounding every input statement for input validation
> > > purposes...
> > > Going beyond those things, would look like someone else wrote my program
> > > since we didn't talk about or ever cover them in class.
> > Haven't you heard of "I've been reading ahead from the text book" or
> > "I've been reading discussion groups where they talk about good
> > programming techniques"?
> > Besides, you'll probably find your prof will forgive nearly anything if
> > you acknowledge it first: plagiarism is considered a worse sin than
> > failing to learn anything. Look up this thread on Google Groups, and
> > include the URL in your assignment (you might want to give a TinyURL as
> > well), and your prof can see for herself that we're not doing your
> > homework for you.
> > (Hey, chances are that she's googling for your name already...)
> > Unless the assignment explicitly says "DO NOT SPLIT YOUR CODE INTO
> > FUNCTIONS", you shouldn't be marked down for writing better code than you
> > were asked for.
> > On the other hand, if the assignment specifies "YOU MUST DO THIS" then
> > naturally you must follow the instructions.
> > * shakes head sadly *
> > Kids today, more concerned about following instructions than learning...
> > * half wink *
> > --
> > Steven
> I had a professor who insisted that we not use loops and what-not
> before they were taught in class as well. It seems to be a standard
> thing in Computer Science classes. Kind of like learning mathematical
> proofs or doing standard deviation the long way first. In some ways,
> it's very helpful. In others, it's extremely lame.
> Typical of the college education system though.
> Mike

I remember being taught Java in my first year of University and for
the most part we were given a layout of methods, accessors and what-
have-yas to complete. This gave us a grounding from which to go from,
which I always thought helped a lot. However our lecturers also
accepted people trying other techniques as long as they passed all the
test-cases (which were shown to you when you submitted your work onto
the website (a brilliant way to see if at each edit you were getting
closer to having correct code))

However the otherside of the story was that, depending on the marker
you could get marked down for having written too many comments...

Still while code styling is a convention or standard it isn't strict
(though python aids in this manner!) and while certain methods are
frowned upon and often are a poorer implementation...I've heard many
of my friends argue "well it does what you want..."


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