On Oct 17, 3:39 pm, Abandoned <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi..
> I have a dictionary like these:
> a={'a': '1000', 'b': '18000', 'c':'40', 'd': '600'} ...... 100.000
> element
> I want to sort this by value and i want to first 100 element..
> Result must be:
> [b, a, d, c .....] ( first 100 element)
> I done this using FOR and ITERATOR but it tooks 1 second and this is
> very big time to my project.
> I want to learn the fastest method..
> I'm sorry my bad english.
> Please help me.
> King regards..

I take it you did something like this

 >>> items = d.items()
 >>> items = [(v, k) for (k, v) in items]
 >>> items.sort()
 >>> items.reverse()            # so largest is first
 >>> items = [(k, v) for (v, k) in items]



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