Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > happy to hear that. > you may want take a loot at > It is mostly python stuff and will post the code soon.
Ah, memories :) I'm not working on QCD anymore, but I did write a bunch of code a while back to script Mayavi (the old one, not the new Mayavi2) to auto-generate webpages slicing through topological charge configurations, looking for instanton molecules. Your images are a bit small for me to tell what toolkit you're using (Mayavi is VTK based), but if you want, I'd be happy to send you that old code. It probably won't do anything you don't already have, but it was handy. It would slice in any direction (typically t) and generate one PNG per value, with the remaining 3 variables displayed, and isosurfaces computed at 1/4 and 3/4s of the total distribution of values, to conveniently see the instanton/anti-instanton pairs. By spitting out one webpage per field configuration, I could let it run overnight and then the next day quickly have an overview of all the configurations I had (or show them to my advisor). The code was written to read the MILC v5 binary lattice formats, which is what I was using. Just drop me a line if you happen to want any of that code. Cheers, f --