Roedy Green wrote: > On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 18:27:04 -0500, Damien Kick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone who said : > >> "free as in beer". > > but does not "free beer" nearly always come with a catch or implied > obligation?
I had been trying to find a good Nietzsche quote about the role of debt in the relationship of a child to his or her parents but I could not seem to find a good one. I did, however, find what I think to be an interesting secondary source <>: <blockquote> For Nietzsche, debt was linked to the problem of promising and forgetting. It would be a mistake to underestimate the importance of the etymological play that underlies his association of debts (Schulden) with guilt (Schuld). As is well known, the Second Essay of On the Genealogy of Morals argues that the feeling of guilt, of personal obligation, has its origin in the contractual relationship between creditor and debtor. "It was here", Nietzsche writes, "that one person first measured himself against another". And he continues: Perhaps our word "man" (manas) still expresses something of precisely this feeling of self-satisfaction: man designated himself as the creature that measures values, evaluates and measures, as the "valuating animal as such".[1] How today are we to understand these claims and Nietzsche's extension of them into arguments about the role of debt in the relations between parents and children or between man and the deity? </blockquote> Beer helps to eliminate debt by promoting forgetfulness. --