J. Clifford Dyer a écrit : > On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 04:49:50PM +0200, Wildemar Wildenburger wrote > regarding Re: The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and > keybinding: > >> Steve Holden wrote: >>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote: >>>> In message >>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve >>>> Holden wrote: >>>>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote: >>>>>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, >>>>>> George Neuner wrote:
<OT - now you're warned> >>>>>>> The Christian Bible says "In the beginning was the >>>>>>> Word..." >>>>>> >>>>>> Which is an English mistranslation from the Greek "logos". >>>>> (snip) > > Yeah, different book. "In the beginning was the Word" is John's > cosmology. Written in Greek long after Genesis, and a couple decades > after Jesus was executed. > > Also, I wouldn't so much say that "word" is a mistranslation. Logos > does indeed mean "word" in common usage, it just also carries along > the baggage of reason, "logic" (for a loose definintion of which), > rationality, and so forth. So it's not so much inaccurate as > inadequate. FWIW, the canonical french translation uses 'verb' instead of 'word', and AFAICT it's more appropriate (at least in French - my English is mostly technical so I may miss some subtilities here) since it carries a notion of action too. Now another (and certainly far worse) mistranslation (for both John and Genesis) is this awful 'in the beginning was', when the less imperfect translation from Hebrew (which John's text, while written in Greek, is clearly referencing here) would be 'in the principle is'. See, nothing historic here, it's *not* the 'beginnning' of something past, it's about the present. Also, since Christ is clearly identified with the Verb by John, saying 'in the principle is the verb' is also a way of identifying God with the principle... Hem... Sorry, I disgressed... Back to Python, now !-) </OT> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list