Stodge wrote: > os.path.expanduser isn't an option; I need each console/window to > maintain different values which I wouldn't get from saving to a user's > home directory. Unless I used a different file for each console/window > but that just gets me into the same situation I'm already in. I think > the only option is to set environment variables using another script. > I'm really surprised and disapponited by this.
you can't do that either. It's the principle behind environment-vars that you can't alter the ones of your parent process. That's the reason why environment-changes must be done by using "source": # source my_script where my_script contains e.g. export FOO="bar" If you can have your user alter his/her .bashrc, you might consider creating a environtment-variable in there that the subsequent script invocations refer to. Like this: # .bashrc export SESSION=<create some unique name using e.g. date> Then in the python-scripts you can use SESSION as a common prefix into /tmp-residual files or such thing. Diez --