On 9/16/07, Stodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to do the following. I have a Python application that is
> run:
> python app1.py --location=c:\test1
> What I want to do is save the location parameter, so I can then do (in
> the same window):
> python app2.py
> And have app2.py automatically have access to the value of "location".
> Now, the difficult part is, that in another window I want to do:
> python app1.py --location=c:\test2
> python app2.py
> And have app2.py automatically get c:\test2 as the location. So the
> two windows (consoles) are isolated from each other.
> I thought I could use os.environ, but that doesn't save the variable
> for applications that are run afterwards in the same window.

Use a value based on your current tty. I don't know how to get this
value in Python but you could just shell 'tty' and grab the output.

Or, to get your parent process's pid, use os.getppid().

Then, use a temporary file whose name is based on the above info.

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