This is something that keeps confusing me. If you read examples of code on the web, you keep on seeing these three calls (super, apply and __init__) to reference the super-class. This looks to me as it is somehow personal preference. But this would conflict with the "There one way to do it" mind-set.
So, knowing that in python there is one thing to do something, these three different calls must *do* domething different. But what exactly *is* the difference? ------------ Exampel 1: ----------------------------- class B(A): def __init__(self, *args): A.__init__(self, args) ------------ Exampel 2: ----------------------------- class B(A): def __init__(self, *args): apply( A.__init__, (self,) + args) ------------ Exampel 3: ----------------------------- class B(A): def __init__(self, *args): super(A,self).__init__(*args) --