On Sep 18, 2:45 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
> exhuma.twn a écrit :
> > This is something that keeps confusing me. If you read examples of
> > code on the web, you keep on seeing these three calls (super, apply
> > and __init__) to reference the super-class. This looks to me as it is
> > somehow personal preference. But this would conflict with the "There
> > one way to do it" mind-set.
> apply is deprecated. Chances are that code using it is somewhat old.
> super came with the new object model in Python 2.2.1 (IIRC), and is only
> useful for some corner cases involving multiple inheritence . Directly
> calling the superclass's method (__init__ or whatever) is the canonical
> way in the most common cases.
> And BTW, the sentence is "there *should* be one - and *preferably* only
> one - *obvious* way to do it" (emphasis is mine). In this case, there's
> _at least_ one way do to do it, and only one (direct call) is really
> obvious IMHO !-)
> > So, knowing that in python there is one thing to do something, these
> > three different calls must *do* domething different.
> Indeed. But mostly because you managed to get 2 examples wrong !-)
> > But what exactly
> > *is* the difference?
> > ------------ Exampel 1: -----------------------------
> > class B(A):
> >    def __init__(self, *args):
> >       A.__init__(self, args)
> You want:
> class B(A):
>     def __init__(self, *args):
>        A.__init__(self, *args)

Ah.. this was a typo in my original post. Oops ;)

> > ------------ Exampel 2: -----------------------------
> > class B(A):
> >    def __init__(self, *args):
> >       apply( A.__init__, (self,) + args)
> is the same as the previous, using the deprecated apply function.
> > ------------ Exampel 3: -----------------------------
> > class B(A):
> >    def __init__(self, *args):
> >       super(A,self).__init__(*args)
> You want:
> class B(A):
>     def __init__(self, *args):
>        super(B,self).__init__(*args)

Hmmm... and suddenly it all makes sense! Great!

Thanks all for clarifying this to a Java-Convert ;)


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