> Why would you want to become a programmer?  Programmers smell bad,
> they have no social life, they get treated like crap by everyone.
> They can get paid pretty well but then they spend all the money on
> useless electronic junk so they still live like bums.

I wouldn't call this person programmer , I would call him a geek ;)

> one reason to be a programmer, which is that the drive to program
> burns in you like a fire.  But in that case don't ask how to become a
> programmer, because you are already one, so welcome to the ranks ;-).

Yes true , I'm already a programmer.. doing technical support for my
company products in a call center. I hate my job, I hate the moment I
have to wake up to go work ! I hate that moment I have to go sleep
when I think of the next working day morning.
Python is what I like, I would love to be more creative with this
language and be able to produce things that I can't right now..
Why not try to find a work that you would like ? I don't want to work
as a programmer to became one because I'm already a programmer, I just
want to work as a programmer ..


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