On 2007-07-24, Paul Rubin <http> wrote:
> I think Python is not used in university programs very much.
> Look for one that uses SICP (Scheme) or CTM (Mozart/Oz) or a
> functional language like Haskell, in preference to the ones
> that use Java (the Cobol of the 1990's).  With some reasonable
> experience in Scheme or Mozart or Haskell, plus a Python
> manual, you'll be well on your way.
> The SICP textbook is here:  
>     http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/
> Maybe it's gotten a little bit old fashioned by now, but it's
> still good reading.

The only weakness I'm aware of is how well it suits its original
target audience--engineers who need an introduction to computer
science. If your aren't an engineer, I might recommend _How to
Design Programs_ (http://www.htdp.org/), or _Concrete Abstractions_ 
(http://gustavus.edu/+max/concrete-abstractions.html) instead.

One cool advantage of SICP is the free online lectures, which
helps make up for its non-programmer slant.

Neil Cerutti

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