Bjorn Borud wrote:
> [Martin Gregorie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> | 
> | As for documentation, lets look at vi. Not a great editor, but every
> | *nix variation has it installed and any fool can learn to use it in
> | about 2 hours flat and it does at least have good pattern matching.
> there's also the "info" system in Emacs, which not only covers Emacs
> itself, but usually also a lot of documentation available for Emacs
> extensions and other programs.  again, this predates a lot of things
> that people are used to today, so just because it seems (and sometimes
> is) a bit more fiddly, it must necessarily be inferior.
I thought it might be in "info", like most GNUish things but I couldn't 
check because I don't have it installed.

> for instance, Linux has come a long way in addressing the needs of
> desktop users, yet some people refuse to use Linux because it doesn't
> behave *exactly* like Windows (as if that was a worthwhile goal) and
> they are too lazy or don't think they can manage, to learn a new
> system.
Yep, and the same people think a command line is to be avoided at all 
costs. "I mean, its so /last century/ and you can't do anything useful 
with it anyway".

Obligatory OT comment: right now I have two xterm sessions open with 
which I've been writing a Swing/JDBC app using nowt but a bash shell, 
cvs, microEmacs and (of course) J2SE. I don't need no steenking IDE.

martin@   | Martin Gregorie
gregorie. | Essex, UK
org       |

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