[Followup-To: header set to comp.emacs]
Bjorn Borud wrote:
> sure, but often it is just simpler, while you are fiddling around in a
> shell, to just fire up vi to do some quick editing than to bounce back
> and forth between windows.  it is usually quicker too if you have to
> navigate deep directory trees -- if you're already in the directory
> where the file is, it'd be fewer keystrokes to specify the file than
> opening it in emacs.  even with tab-completion.

well, ok, typing `emacsclient <filename>' requires more keystrokes than `vi
<filename>', but that's why i have an alias ec for it...

Joost Kremers                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Selbst in die Unterwelt dringt durch Spalten Licht

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