What I want to do is pre-load functions with arguments by iterating through a list like so:
class myclass:
... pass
def func(self, arg):
... print arg
mylist = ["my", "sample", "list"] for item in mylist:
... setattr(myclass, item, lamdba self: func(self, item))
This attaches a list of functions to the class, making them bound methods when called from a class instance.
obj = myclass() obj.list()
list Unfortunately, it doesn't work. It seems the closure keeps track of the variable fed to it dynamically - if the variable changes after the lambda is created, the lambda still references the _variable_ not the original _value_ and so gets the new value like so:
The closure isn't bound until the scope containing it is exited. A simple workaround is to bind item as a default argument to the lambda:
for item in mylist:
setattr(myclass, item, lambda self, item=item: func(self, item))
You can also make a helper function that returns the closure, the closure will be bound each time the helper returns:
def make_f(item): def f(self): func(self, item) return f
mylist = ["my", "sample", "list"] for item in mylist: setattr(myclass, item, make_f(item))
Kent -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list