> Ultimately, is it worth downloading and learning some of the packages
> avaiable for Python, or should I just stick to the Tkinter stuff that
> is included.

It depends. Are you selling your application commercially/closed-source 
or is it freeware/open-source? Are you deploying on several platforms, 
or just one?

Here are a few things to consider:

1. Tkinter is simple to code and easy to deploy. It's a bit bare-bones 
without additional packages.
2. wxPython is big, harder to learn than Tkinter, but looks good on Mac, 
Windows, and *Nix. It will require users to install a lot of extra stuff 
(or you'll have to bundle the extra stuff).
3. PyQt is also nice, and works well on Mac/Windows/*Nix but the free 
version requires your app to be released under the GPL. That may or may 
not be an issue for you. PyQt is also a large package to install.
4. PyGTK is popular on*Nix and works OK on Windows. But it doesn't run 
natively on the Mac.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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