In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Steve Holden  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Steve Holden wrote:
>> Beliavsky wrote:
>>> On May 16, 2:45 pm, "Cameron Laird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> QOTW:  "Sometimes you just have to take the path of least distaste". - 
>>>> Grant
>>>> Edwards
>>>> "I want to choose my words carefully here, so I'm not misunderstood.  
>>> <rest snipped>
>>> I think Cameron Laird does a good job with the Python digest but
>>> blundered here. Why did he highlight a foul comment having nothing to
>>> do with Python?
>> In fact it *is* peripherally related, since Gartner are currently doing 
>> a "survey" on dynamic languages, and there was a considerable effort 
>> exerted just to make sure that most of the questions actually allowed 
>> sensible comparisons between the various languages.
>Please accept my apology: it's Forrester who are currently undertaking 
>the study on dynamic languages. Anyone interested in helping might look at
>and (now the study is underway)
I'll make a few personal comments.

I knew the choice of quotes was in questionable taste.  I was
out to be provocative without being offensive, though.  My
apologies to Mr. Beliavsky and anyone else I disappointed.  On
the whole, I still think I constructed the QOTWs appropriately.

I have very little patience with The Analysts as a category.  I
have friends and acquaintances in the business, and I respect
them individually.  I am VERY skeptical about the sausage they
produce at an institutional level, and can only experience its
making for a few minutes at a time.

I know Gartner and Forrester are different--they really are.  
For me, the differences pale in comparison to the dreary simi-

Many of the questions Forrester asks are ones that recur here
in comp.lang.python (and elsewhere).  I think it's a *great*
time to comment on them in a lasting way, and I've set up <URL:'the_application_lifecycle'_are_available_to_Python_developers%3f
to encourage that.

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