On 2007-05-17, Beliavsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> QOTW: "Sometimes you just have to take the path of least
>> distaste". - Grant Edwards
>> "I want to choose my words carefully here, so I'm not misunderstood.  
><rest snipped>
> I think Cameron Laird does a good job with the Python digest
> but blundered here. Why did he highlight a foul comment having
> nothing to do with Python?

Having stumbled across this discussion in mid-thread, I was
relieved to find out after following the thread upstream that
that the "foul comment" in question wasn't mine. :)

That said, I thought the other quote was rather amusing (both
in style and content).

I while I don't think that those "research" firms actually do
anything useful, I wouldn't call them idiots. They seem to have
figured out how to extract sizable amounts of money from
corporate types by providing them with compilations of useless
generalizations and meaningless pseudo-statistics.  The people
paying them are probably the ones more deserving of derision.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Thousands of days of
                                  at               civilians ... have produced
                               visi.com            a ... feeling for the
                                                   aesthetic modules --

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