MRAB wrote:
On May 16, 4:21 pm, Lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am reading in data from a text file. I want to enter each value on
the line into a list and retain the order of the elements. The number
of elements and spacing between them varies, but a typical line looks
' SRCPARAM 1 6.35e-07 15.00 340.00 1.10 3.0 '
Using builtin functions:
ax = ' SRCPARAM 1 6.35e-07 15.00 340.00 1.10 3.0 '
>>> ax.replace(' ','') # replace all double spaces with nothing
' SRCPARAM 1 6.35e-07 15.00340.00 1.103.0 '
>>> ax.replace(' ','').strip() # strip leading/trailing white spaces
'SRCPARAM 1 6.35e-07 15.00340.00 1.103.0'
>>> ax.replace(' ','').strip().split(' ') # split string into a
list, using remaining white space as key
['SRCPARAM', '1', '6.35e-07', '15.00340.00', '1.103.0']
def getElements( str ):
return str.replace( ' ', '' ).strip().split(' ')
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