Eric Brunel schrieb:
> The point is that today, I have a reasonable chance of being able to 
> read, understand and edit any Python code. With PEP 3131, it will no 
> more be true. That's what bugs me.

That's just not true. I and others in this thread have stated that they 
use German or other languages as identifiers today but are forced to 
make a stupid and unreadable translation to ASCII.

> Same question again and again: how does he know that non-Russian 
> speakers will *ever* get in touch with his code and/or need to update it?

If you didn't get non English comments and identifiers until now, you 
will not get any with this PEP either. And if you do get them today or 
with the PEP it doesn't make a difference for you to get some glyphs not 
properly displayed, doesn't it?


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