> On May 16, 12:54 pm, Gregor Horvath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Istvan Albert schrieb:
>> So the solution is to forbid Chinese XP ?
> It's one solution, depending on your support needs.

That would be a rather arrogant solution.
You would consider dropping the language and culture of millions of 
users because a small number of support team staff does not understand 
it? I would recommend to drop the support team and the management that 
even considers this.

This PEP is not a technical question.
Technically it would no change much.

The underlying question is a philosophical one.
Should computer programming only be easy accessible to a small fraction 
of privileged individuals who had the luck to be born in the correct 

Should the unfounded and maybe xenophilous fear of loosing power and 
control of a small number of those already privileged be a guide for 


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