En Thu, 03 May 2007 10:49:26 -0300, Ben Collver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> I tried to write portable Python code.  The zlib CRC function returned  
> different results on architectures between 32 bit and 64 bit  
> architectures.  I filed a bug report.  It was closed, without a comment  
> from the person who closed it.  I get the unspoken message: bug reports  
> are not welcome.

You got a comment from me, that you never disputed nor commented further.  
I would have changed the status to "invalid" myself, if I were able to do  

> I installed Cygwin on a Windows machine.  I try to quit from an  
> interactive Python session.  It tells me that on my platform, I must  
> press Control-Z to exit.  I press Control-Z and it makes Python a  
> background process.

Maybe because you were running Windows Python from inside a bash prompt?  
The Cygwin version tells you to use the right key combination to exit.

> In short, there is plenty of room for improvement.  Admittedly these are  
> not problems with the language definition.  But I downloaded a Python  
> distribution, and the problems are Python specific.

Yes, some documentation is a bit outdated as Python is evolving  
continuously. I prefer that, to a frozen language.

Gabriel Genellina

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