On Apr 19, 2:39 pm, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have the following code which send/receive HTTP request/response:
> >    # where sampleUrl is '' and
> >    # url is 'www.cnn.com'
> >    h = httplib.HTTP(self.sampleUrl, 8080)
> >         h.putrequest('GET', '/sample?url=' + self.url)
> >         h.endheaders()
> >         errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
> > But it never returns from h.getreply().
> > I am using python 2.3.4. Can you please tell me what am I missing?
> > I am sure the url is correctly. I try putting this 'http://
> >'and it works.
> > Thank you for any help.
>   >>> h = httplib.HTTP("www.cnn.com", 80)
>   >>> h.putrequest('GET', "/")
>   >>> h.endheaders()
>   >>> c, m, h = h.getreply()
>   >>> c
> 200
>   >>> m
> 'OK'
>   >>> h
> <httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x7ff3414c>
>   >>> h.getheaders("content-type")
> ['text/html']
> The above shows you the basics of using httplib - if your own server
> isn't responding that's probably not the library's fault. What is the
> server? Perhaps its implementation of the HTTP protocol is slightly off,
> but not so far off that browsers can't work with it.
> For what it's worth you *do* appear to have formed the calls correctly,
> so something a little more complex is going on here.
> You might consider using WireShark (nee Ethereal) to look at the data
> passing across the wire when you use the browser and when you use
> httplib then comparing the data. That won't work on Windows because it
> disobligingly refuses to let you tap into the loopback (127) network.
> regards
>   Steve

Thanks. I run the same script hits the same server (a tomcat server):
One is on Fedora 5 with python 2.4, this works.
But one is on Red Hat 4 with python 2.3, this one does not work.

Can you please tell me how can I make the script works on RHEL 4
without upgrading it to python 2.3?

> --
> Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
> Holden Web LLC/Ltd          http://www.holdenweb.com
> Skype: holdenweb    http://del.icio.us/steve.holden
> Recent Ramblings      http://holdenweb.blogspot.com


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