Robert Kern wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Questions and suggestions are don't count for much in this
community. Code and well-written patches do.

Stop wasting time on and get to work! If you can't do
that, then this is not the community you are looking for.

Please speak for yourself.

I think that my participation in the community for the past six years and a rational examination of the responses you have received so far qualify me, just a little bit, to conclude that this community does not tolerate your kind of behaviour well.

I do tolerate their behaviour.

I have to.

This is a public resource.

If you want one that does so tolerate your behaviour, you need to
keep looking.

I don't need to look.

They read, silently, deriving their conclusions.

About me.

About you.

About the python community.

[It is of course sad, that the "bad manners" / "missing focusation on the context" of the actively writing part reflects directly to the whole community.]

There are many commercial systems around python.

And yet there is not one company that has someone devoted full-time to developing Python. Not even Guido.

Who's "Guido"?

The guy who wrote Python originally and is still the head developer.


Most of core-Python development happens in people's spare, unpaid

Volunteerism is the core of this community. Trust me.

even if:

Volunteerism does not exclude Professionalism.

Volunteerism does not, indeed, exclude professionalism. However, being professional does not entail satisfying the desires of everyone who asks. Being professional does not mean that volunteerism is not the driving force of this community.

If this does not appeal to you, then this is not the community that
you are looking for.

I've not understood what you've written.

But I understand that it is not relevant to the topic.

So please stop this volunteerism-stuff.

No. You are asking others to volunteer their time, or perhaps, alternately, the PSF and other businesses to volunteer their
money to fund people's time to satisfy *your* wants. I am asking
you to volunteer *your* time to satisfy *your* wants,

I'm already doing this.

Okay, let me clarify:
[...] - (processing model)

Your suggestions affecting my processing model are irrelevant.

or alternately, stop writing questionnaires and bothering us.

Feel free to ignore the threads.

I would have been more than happy to until my web page was used. Now I feel some obligation to correct some things.

You webpage is a public resource.

And it was terribly outdated.

Now you have corrected your website.

Thank you.

And please speak for yourself.

I am speaking as a member of this community, not necessarily for this community. But I do have some experience with how this community behaves and how it responds to people who behave like you do. I know that they do not mix well at all.

If you want a community that does tolerate this behaviour, you need
to keep looking.

I'm not looking for such a community.

Note that this reaction is pretty specific to you and not to
other newcomers. Most newcomers do not carry around a sense of
entitlement that could flatten a small village. Thus, they are
treated with respect and helpfulness. We would appreciate it if
you would emulate these people. On a purely pragmatic note, you
have to admit that they are getting much better help than you

I get the help that I want.

You could do it much more efficiently.
[...] - (processing suggestions detected, not readed)

sorry, my processing is not the topic here.

If you like to help me and other newcomers, please give me
simple some answers on the initial questions.

I did provide some answers. Please review them again.

Please have the gentleness [against me and the current/future readers] to answer within the context of the original writings.

I will be more careful in the future.

You can still give your answers within the main thread, thus they don't get lost in this huge thread.



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