On 15 Apr 2007 23:12:34 -0700, Paul Rubin <"http://phr.cx"@nospam.invalid> 
>I'd like to suggest adding a new operation
>   Queue.finish()
>This puts a special sentinel object on the queue.  The sentinel
>travels through the queue like any other object, however, when
>q.get() encounters the sentinel, it raises StopIteration instead
>of returning the sentinel.  It does not remove the sentinel from
>the queue, so further calls to q.get also raise StopIteration.
>That permits writing the typical "worker thread" as
>   for item in iter(q.get): ...
>without having to mess with the task-counting stuff that recently got
>added to the Queue module.  The writing end of the queue simply
>calls .finish() when it's done adding items.
>Someone in an earlier thread suggested
>     # writing side
>     sentinel = object()
>     q.put(sentinel)
>     ...
>     # reading side
>     for item in iter(q.get, sentinel): ...
>however that actually pops the sentinel, so if there are a lot of
>readers then the writing side has to push a separate sentinel for
>each reader.  I found my code cluttered with
>    for i in xrange(number_of_worker_threads):
>       q.put(sentinel)
>which certainly seems like a code smell to me.

Instead of putting multiple sentinels, just pre-construct the iterator

    work = iter(q.get, sentinel)

Re-use the same iterator in each thread, and you'll get the behavior
you're after.


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