I love Python, and the unicode support is wonderful.
The character set I am using is the Hindi/Devanagari character set at unicode range U+901.)
I have TWO newbie questions:
(#1) If I paste some unicode stuff from the clipboard into IDLE, it accepts it, but it can't execute a PRINT command like this:
>>> print u"àààààà àààààà" Unsupported characters in input
Should I report this as a bug or is it an essential limitation of the Python console/immediate mode?
(#2) Hindi is not displayed correctly on the screen when the "Suplemental language support" parts for Windows XP are not installed, in particular in the Regional and Languages Options panel in the Control Panel, you have to check "Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai)". This adds Thai, and Indic
language support. Does anyone know a programmatic way in Python to check for this,so I can pop up a message telling users that support for this script hasn't been installed in Windows?
Warren -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list