WX wrote:
> (#2) Hindi is not displayed correctly on the screen when the
> "Suplemental language support" parts for Windows XP are not installed,
> in particular in the Regional and Languages  Options panel in the
> Control Panel, you have to check "Install files for complex script and
> right-to-left languages (including Thai)".  This adds Thai, and Indic
> language support.  Does anyone know a programmatic way in Python to
> check for this,so I can pop up a message telling users that support
> for this script hasn't been installed in Windows?

I suspect it's hidden in the windows registry. To find out where it's
hidden try the following:
1. Before installing supplemental language support export
into a text file using regedit
2. Install supplemental language support
3. Export the same registry branch into another file and compare with
the first file.

If there are no changes try doing the same for other registry branches:

After you find out what's going on you can use python's module
_winreg to read the registry from your python program. Good luck.




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