YYUsenet wrote:
Xah Lee wrote:

(snip insanities)

Why are you posting this to comp.lang.python? This obviously has nothing to do with python at all. If you are trying to teach people python, claiming that "...let's do a python version. I'll post my version later today." Isn't really the proper way to do it. An even better method would be to set up a website dedicated to nothing but it, and stop posting here with garbage code that no one wants to read, and that helps no one. Please, consider others a little bit when you go off on your wild hope that you might be able to teach other people what you obviously know nothing about, teaching people from a language that you know nothing about. *PLEASE STOP POSTING*!! *NOBODY WANTS YOU TO POST*!!

The guy is an obvious, well-known and self-proclaimed troll. Dont feed the troll.

bruno desthuilliers
ruby -e "print '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@').collect{|p| p.split('.').collect{|w| w.reverse}.join('.')}.join('@')"

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