SeSe schrieb:
I started a opensource project PyINI for corss-platform *.ini parsing at

I have released a simple alpha version, which can read *.ini, with some
extended features such as "key=value1,value2,value3". I also made a
c++ binding to PyINI with elmer toolkit.

I suggest that you have a look at Tim Daneliuk's tconfpy serving a similar purpose. Perhaps you can join forces.

I'd like to see a configuration tool that for Python programmers
is as easy as, i.e. you you have config object and can
write/read it to/from some storage, e.g.

- .ini files
- Java config files
- xml files
- LDAP server
- win32 registry
- ...

It would be nice to make this not a Python only thing but accessible
by other languages like Perl, Ruby, Java, C/C++ ...

I think that a new config utility is worth the effort if it has the
potential to put an end to roll-your-own config formats and parsers.

Peter Maas,  M+R Infosysteme,  D-52070 Aachen,  Tel +49-241-93878-0
E-mail 'cGV0ZXIubWFhc0BtcGx1c3IuZGU=\n'.decode('base64')

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