Hi, I created a win32 service for XPPro called N4010ATestService.py (see below). The service runs as a particular user with administrative rights. It starts a thread that creates a simple socket server (N4010ASocketServer.py -- also below) that just waits for 20 character string. When I run the socket server by itself the test client can connect to the server and send a 20 character string just fine. When I run the service, the server will bind to the port but the client cannot connect. I verified the server was listening on the given port using netstat -an. The client eventually times out. Why isn't the server accepting connections when run in a service?
Thanks, Tom N4010ATestService.py: --------------------- import win32serviceutil import win32service import win32event import N4010ASocketServer from thread import start_new_thread class N4010ATestService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework): _svc_name_ = "N4010ATestService" _svc_display_name_ = "N4010A Test Service" def __init__(self, args): win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args) def SvcDoRun(self): start_new_thread(N4010ASocketServer.main, ()) N4010ASocketServer.waitfor() def SvcStop(self): # Before we do anything, tell the SCM we are starting the stop process. self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) N4010ASocketServer.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(N4010ATestService) N4010ASocketServer.py: ---------------------- from socket import socket from select import select from time import sleep import win32evtlogutil applicationName = 'N4010ASocketServer' messageDll = 'C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32\pythonservice.exe' running = True stopped = False def registerWithEventViewer(): win32evtlogutil.AddSourceToRegistry(applicationName, messageDll) def stop(): import servicemanager servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('stopping') global running running = False def waitfor(): while not stopped: sleep(0.5) def main(): import servicemanager registerWithEventViewer() servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('creating socket') sock = socket() servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('binding to port 48777') sock.bind(('', 48777)) servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('listening') sock.listen(5) while running: servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('Waiting for connection.') readyRead, readyWrite, inerror = select([sock], [], [], 0) while (not readyRead) and running: sleep(0.5) readyRead, readyWrite, inerror = select([sock], [], [], 0) if running: conn, address = sock.accept() msg = conn.recv(20) servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('Recvd msg: %s' % msg) conn.close() global stopped stopped = True -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list