On Tuesday 08 February 2005 16:41, Tom Brown wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a win32 service for XPPro called N4010ATestService.py (see
> below). The service runs as a particular user with administrative rights.
> It starts a thread that creates a simple socket server
> (N4010ASocketServer.py -- also below) that just waits for 20 character
> string. When I run the socket server by itself the test client can connect
> to the server and send a 20 character string just fine. When I run the
> service, the server will bind to the port but the client cannot connect. I
> verified the server was listening on the given port using netstat -an. The
> client eventually times out. Why isn't the server accepting connections
> when run in a service?
> Thanks,
> Tom

Well, I have found that it works if I launch the client on the same machine as 
the service. It will not work from a remote machine. Any ideas?


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