The The Computer Language Shootout has just published results for
Python 2.5 and Psyco 1.5.2. Comparing the old (Python 2.4) Gentoo
Pentium 4 results (now not visible anymore) with the new results, I
have seen that all the tests with Python 2.5 are faster than the ones
with Python 2.4 (some results can't be compared because N is changed):
Gentoo Pentium 4, Python 2.4.3 measurements:
Program & Logs      CPU Time   Memory KB   GZip           N
binary-trees           99.26      15,816    402          16
chameneos             Timout                      5.000.000
cheap-concurrency      23,13       5.252    160      15.000
fannkuch               66,38       2.200    395          10
fasta                  81,62       9.884    861   2.500.000
k-nucleotide           15,52      15.580    459     250.000
mandelbrot            363,86       2.412    472       3.000
n-body                Timout                     20.000.000
nsieve                  9,79      34.416    269           9
nsieve-bits           164,72      42.412    320          11
partial-sums           38,64       2.300    410   2.500.000
pidigits                9,22       2.388    391       2.500
recursive             701,64      14.360    344          11
regex-dna               6,21      24.160    326     500.000
reverse-complement       2,7      46.032    272   2.500.000
spectral-norm         696,76       2.456    266       2.500
startup                 6,38                 29         200
sum-file                8,08       2.364     61       8.000

Regarding Psyco, two tests only are worse (the sourcecode, CPU and SO
are the same):

Old (Python 2.4.3, older Psyco):
nsieve  4.22    22,680  211      9
reverse-complement      1.66    49,336  330      2,500,000

New (Python 2.5, Psyco 1.5.2):
nsieve  4.26    22,904  211      9
reverse-complement      1.75    52,056  330      2,500,000



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