At Tuesday 16/1/2007 20:13, Stef Mientki wrote:

Ok, here's my current solution,
probably not very Pythonian, (so suggestions are welcome)
but it works.

It appears that you're a number crunching guy - you absolutely ignore all types except numeric ones! :)

(Too bad I can get the name of the var into a function ;-)

I don't understand this, but if you are saying that you can't get the name of the variable you're showing - just pass the name to the function: def pm(V, name)

     # count the occurances of the different types
     N_int,N_float,N_complex,N_list,N_tuple,N_array,N_unknown =

Ouch, seven counters... your guts should be saying that this is candidate for a more structured type... what about a dictionary indexed by the element type?

     count = {}

     for i in range(len(V)):

You're going to iterate along all the items in V, not along its indices...

       if   type(V[i]) == int:     N_int     += 1
       elif type(V[i]) == float:   N_float   += 1
       elif ...

Using a dict:

     for item in V:
        t = type(item)
        try: count[t] = count[t]+1
        except IndexError: count[t] = 1

(That is: if the type is found in the dictionary, increment the count; if not, this is the first time: set the count to 1)

     # print the occurances of the different types
     # and count the number of types that can easily be displayed
     if type(V)==list: line = 'list:'
     else: line = 'tuple:'
     N = 0
     if N_int     > 0: line = line + '  N_Int='     + str(N_int)     ; N
+= 1
     if N_float   > 0: line = line + '  N_Float='   + str(N_float)   ; N
+= 1

We'll replace all of this with:

     for key,value in count:
        line += ' %s=%d' % (key, value)

     if N == 1: line += '  == Homogeneous =='
     if len(count)==1: line += '  == Homogeneous =='

     print line

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL


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