hi Gabriel,

> It appears that you're a number crunching guy - you absolutely ignore 
> all types except numeric ones! :)
Is there anything else than numbers ? ;-)
But indeed I forgot the else statement, which should look like this:
     line = 'UNKNOWN: ' + type(V)
     print line
     line = '  ' + V.__repr__()
     # do something to prevent too long output sequences
     print line

>>      # count the occurances of the different types
>>      N_int,N_float,N_complex,N_list,N_tuple,N_array,N_unknown =
>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
> Ouch, seven counters... your guts should be saying that this is 
> candidate for a more structured type... what about a dictionary indexed 
> by the element type?
> Using a dict:
>      for item in V:
>         t = type(item)
>         try: count[t] = count[t]+1
>         except IndexError: count[t] = 1
Thanks very much, that's almost perfect, I only had to change IndexError into 
> We'll replace all of this with:
>      for key,value in count:
>         line += ' %s=%d' % (key, value)
I didn't succeed to use value as a enumerator, and I had to typecast key into a 
string (and skipping 
some redundant information, but then it works great, thanks !!
here the complete listing:
     count = {}
     for item in V:
       t = type(item)
       try: count[t] += 1
       except KeyError: count[t] = 1
     if type(V)==list: line = 'list:'
     else: line = 'tuple:'
     for key in count: line += '  %s=%d' %('N_'+str(key)[7:-2],count[key])
     print line

Stef Mientki

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